
School of Education Accreditation and Assessment


Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

The School of Education at Clark Atlanta University is accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), This accreditation covers Biology Education (B.A), Elementary Education (B.A), Elementary Education Post-Baccalaureate Certificate, Secondary Mathematics (M.A.T), Secondary Science (M.A.T), Special Education-General Curriculum (M.A), School Counseling, and Educational Leadership. However, the accreditation does not include individual education courses that the institution offers to P-12 educators for professional development, re-licensure or other purposes.

Georgia Professional Standard Commission (GAPSC)

The following Educator Preparation Programs are GAPSC approved: Biology Education, Elementary Education, Elementary Education Post-Baccalaureate Certificate, Secondary Mathematics and Science, Special Education-General Curriculum, School Counseling, and Educational Leadership.


The Department of Counselor Education programs are accredited by:  

Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) 

The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), a specialized accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher education Accreditation (CHEA), has granted accreditation to the following School of Education’s programs in the Department of Counselor Education at Clark Atlanta University: Clinical Mental Health Counseling (M.A.) and School Counseling (M.A.)

Recent student data profiles and results of assessments for the counseling programs can be found under Program Evaluation and Data in the Department of Counselor Education section.


Quality Assurance System

The Council on Accreditation of Educational Programs (CAEP) and the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) require all degree programs to measure and report student learning outcomes. The School of Education at Clark Atlanta University has established a Quality Assurance System that includes six key assessments in the initial programs and four key assessments in the advanced programs. Results are reported annually in IMPROVE, which is the assessment management system used by the university.  In addition, feedback on the programs is collected regularly from cooperating teachers, site supervisors, graduating students, alumni, employers, SOE Advisory Board members and other P-12 partners.

School of Education Assessment Committee

2019-20 SOE Assessment Committee Roster