The Center for Undergraduate Research and Creativity provides Clark Atlanta University undergraduate and graduate students with an opportunity to showcase their scholarship and creative activity. Held each spring, The CURC Undergraduate and Graduate Symposium brings together an intellectual community of undergraduate and graduate students to share their work with faculty, staff, peers, and external audiences. Participants will gain experience in presenting their research, answer questions, and receive constructive feedback from judges.
CURC 9th Undergraduate and Graduate Symposium 2024 will be an in-person event, Tuesday through Thursday, March 26 – 28. This will be an in person event consisting of oral, poster, and creative works. This event is free and open to the public.
Students must register to present at Symposium by January 31 at 11:59 p.m. ET. Registration ensures a presentation slot in the preferred modality. Abstracts/proposals do not need to be complete at the time of registration. Final edits to your registration and abstract will be due by January 31.
Click on the links that follow for more details about poster, oral, and creative works’ presentation requirements. Current AUC undergraduates and graduate students are eligible to present. Work presented at other venues, (department forums, off-campus conferences, etc.) are also acceptable.
All stages of research are welcomed–from preliminary to capstone projects and everywhere in between! Research and creative activity conducted during courses, internships, Studying Abroad, or community-based participation is also accepted. Work conducted during any semester (fall, spring, and summer) may also be submitted for presentation. Research is a process. Please share with us where you are in your process during your presentation.
Special Instructions for CAU CURC Symposium 2023 Creative Works Presentations
The CAU CURC Spring Undergraduate and Graduate Research Symposium 2023 will be an in person event consisting of oral, poster, and creative works’ presentations. CAU CURC is a public event. Do not share confidential information in your abstract or presentation.
Creative Works’ demonstrations allow students to present their research through the production or performance of artistic work such as fashion, art, or creative expression. Every reasonable effort will be made to preserve the integrity of each performance.
The time and location of presentations will be sent to the coordinating presenter well in advance of the event. There will be a 3 minute discussion period following each presentation for the judge and audience to ask questions. An additional 5 minutes is allotted for change over between presenters.
The following equipment may be available to students participating in-person: stage area, laptop with at least one USB port and speakers. Due to time constraints, students may not use their own computers. Please send all presentations to
Please note: The Cole Science Research Center Auditorium does not permit affixing anything to the walls, floors, doors, door frames, staging, stage curtains, draperies or ceilings with nails, staples, tape or any other substance. The use of paint, glitter, crepe paper, confetti, and other similar materials is also not permitted during in-person presentations. Additional lighting (i.e., spotlights) beyond what is already in the room is not available.